Monday, June 8, 2020

A High Grade With Low Work

A High Grade With Low WorkThe professor, who gave me an Honors Dissertation that was three times the length of my usual paper only once gave me an A grade for the same paper because although our term papers were the same length, the professor gave him a high grade. He was allowed to skip the work he needed to learn from the better student and give him an A since he went over the material that I had already learned in the course.He also said that even though our term papers were the same length, the professor gave him a high grade because he is much more intelligent and worked harder than me. I was baffled by this because I thought he only gave him a lower grade because of his grades from previous semesters. Then I read that when a student has a lower grade from another student on his or her term paper, the professor still grades the paper differently and gives a different grade for it.Now, I can understand why the professor gave me a higher grade than other students with the same ter m papers because he wanted to avoid repetition, which would not be good in his class. I was given the option to just do my own homework or write something new. I opted to write something new, and the professor gave me a very high grade for my assignment.He said that every time I wrote a term paper, I was 'just doing it' rather than 'doing it well' because I was 'just done reading the book.' Since he was grading my papers based on my grade for previous semesters, I know he rated me highly because he could also use the books that I read from previous semesters.When we were grading our term papers, the professor said that he still could see that the 'last assignment is the best assignment' and that it was very difficult for him to give high grades to any student who wrote an essay and then failed to provide feedback or to do his own research before submitting the paper. This bothered me because I thought that I did my homework, so he should have given me a B. What he was saying really did make sense and I appreciated that he had the common sense to know that I did not really do my homework.Then I asked him, 'but what am I going to do if I need to do some research? I can't find the answers online, because they are not online.He said, 'you just have to do your homework,' but I was still confused about what homework he meant. We finally worked through it and he finally gave me a low grade, even though he stated that he was giving me an A.When I took the test that was given for my class, I realized that I just had to get the last answer right and it would not matter what the topic of the exam was. I actually read the test many times and I was able to answer every question that was asked of me. So, in my opinion, although our term papers were the same length, the professor gave him a high grade because he is intelligent and works hard.

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